Some Print blurbs about A Whole 'Nuther Thing
Finder of Lost Music...
Bob Goodman is having a blast on Thursday nights doing a ‘Whole 'Nuther
Thing’ from 8 - 9 p.m. on KSBR/fm. “It's the last hour of my 3-hour
shift and I have been afforded the opportunity and artistic freedom to
feature many artists and music that no longer have a venue on
terrestrial radio,” emailed Bob. “A great reward is the many listeners
calling and emailing their positive feedback and hearing their personal
stories about this ‘lost’ music and it's significance in their lives.
I've always referred to music as the ‘Soundtrack of Our Lives’ and my
listeners bear this out. The real reward and most important byproduct of
my show is the exposure of its content
to part of the audience that was either too young when it was current
or simply just missed it. In many cases it is educational and allows
listeners to hear the original recordings that may have been attributed
to other artists.”
enrolled at Saddleback College as a way to get back into radio. “The
enjoyment I get out of these three hours is the reason I chose
broadcasting as a career back in 1970, the void I fill is the byproduct
of why I left it in 1976. My 3-hour air shift once a week keeps me
active in an area of interest I've participated in since I was
8-years-old and listened to WINS, WABC, WMCA and WMGM on a 6 Transistor
Channel Master under my pillow, or when I was 11 and discovered the joys
of DXing and pulling in the distant signals of WKBW, WOWO and WBT from
an apartment in NYC. But nothing had greater impact than the voice of
Bill ‘Rosko’ Mercer as WOR/fm emerged from the speakers of my clock
radio one terrific morning in 1966,” remembered Goodman.

Holiday Specials. Bob Goodman is hosting and producing two holiday specials Nat, Frank, Dean & Tony and The British Are Coming that will air at KSBR (88.5/fm). "On Saturday, December 22nd starting at 4 p.m., Ill be offering up my Holiday Gift with the best of all gifts music," emailed Goodman. For two hours Bob will play music from Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Tony Bennett. On Saturday, December 29th at 3 p.m. Bob will trace the history of the musical British Invasion. So get ready to hear twohours of the best tunes ever laid down on vinyl while you wrap those last minute gifts or finish up your last minute shopping.
My featured Artists appear weekly in Gary Lycans Radio Column in the OC Register and OC

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Gary Lycan
Radio columnist
Special to the Register
...Bob Goodman's "Whole 'Nuther Thing" Saturday afternoons on KSBR/88.5 FM is always full of surprises. The fun starts at 3 p.m., and if you tune in at 5 p.m. on March 22, you'll spend 60 minutes with the Savoy Brown Blues Band. They're still going strong after 40 years and will perform at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano on March 28. Check out Goodman's show on 88.5 FM, the Web site – www.ksbr/net/Jazz or on iTunes, go to KSBR in the Alternative category.
Contact the writer: Freelance writer Gary Lycan is the Register's radio columnist.Write: Show, The Orange County Register, P.O. Box 11626, Santa Ana, CA 92711 E-mail:

Jersey Guy. Bob Goodman gets to play whatever he wants every Saturday afternoon at KSBR (88.5/fm). Tomorrow at 5 p.m. Bob plays an hour of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Bob works in consumer electronics, but has never forgotten that dream he gave up 30 years ago. “Getting out of radio is the thing I lament the most. I’m really sorry I didn’t stick with it,” he said by phone yesterday afternoon.
“I’ve been a radio fanatic all my life,” Bob continued. His radio dream story is familiar. He would hide his transistor radio under his pillow and when he went to bed he would DX far off stations. He was living in New York City and of all the stations he picked up, WKBW-Buffalo was his favorite.
While attending Hunter College in New York in the early 1970s he ran the campus station. After working for a couple of stations on Long Island, he answered an ad that he discovered in Job Leads, a stapled flyer that listed available radio jobs from around the country. Growing up in the cold of New York, California sounded good. Bob took his new bride to a station in Lakeport, California. Where? Well, it is near Ukiah, a town of 1,000 that swells to 10,000 in the summer. “I was just excited about going to California and pursuing my radio career. I was sales manager and on-air guy. The job lasted three days. I’d go back to the hotel where we were staying and my wife was crying her eyes out.”
Bob packed up and headed for L.A. to stay with friends and worked in a boiler room selling ink toner. “The guy next to me was the program director of K-SURF in Santa Monica. He said he needed an overnight guy to run the automation and read news headlines every half hour. ‘K-SURF by the sea – 103.” A brief return to the East and a weekend job at WYSP-Philadelphia, the station was AOR broadcasting in Quad Stereo. “We were the Quad Father.”
That was the end of his radio dream for the next quarter of a century until six years ago. “KSBR is my local station in south Orange Country. I went back to school and got a weekend show at KSBR. They’ve given me all the freedom to play what I want.”
Tomorrow, Bob Goodman wants to play the Four Seasons. And he will. If you can’t get the radio station, the program is streamed at: //!FM885KSBR.ram

Sunday, July 2, 2006
Special to the Register
Radio: Stations get in holiday mood with July 4 programming
...KSBR/88.5 FM's Bob Goodman was to do his annual "Pot Luck Special" Saturday. The Saddleback College station should consider repeating it Tuesday; it's a fun show to listen to. Check for updates.

Hear Wax... Bob Goodman is celebrating his 100th “Whole ‘Nuther Thing” show on KSBR tomorrow afternoon from 4 – 6 p.m. The program features music from Brian Auger to Frank Zappa that nobody plays anymore …

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Special to the Register
Scanning the radio dial for a break from mainstream talk radio? College radio stations offer some alternatives.
...KSBR/88.5 FM is Saddleback College's station and emphasizes jazz, but its community-service programming includes specialty shows featuring hip-hop, reggae, folk and blues. Its 600-watt signal reaches as far as Norwalk to the north and Oceanside to the south.
One of its best programs is Bob Goodman's 3 p.m. Saturday show, "It's a Whole 'Nuther Thing," which Goodman describes as "hanging out with a friend and dusting off and listening to some tunes you haven't heard in a long, long time or perhaps not at all." The show celebrates its 100th episode April 29 with a A-Z program featuring music ranging from Brian Augerto Frank Zappa.
KSBR's annual Birthday Bash is May 28 at Mission San Juan Capistrano. The Web site is

Sunday, May 15, 2005
Special to the Register
Looking for something different on radio? Saddleback College's KSBR/88.5 FM offers "A Whole Nuther Thing" at 5 p.m. Saturdays. Host Bob Goodman describes it as "kind of like hanging out with a friend for an hour and dusting off and listening to some tunes you haven't heard in years." Saturday's guest is Buddy Guy...
Free-lance writer Gary Lycan is the Register's radio columnist.
CONTACT US: Write: Show, The Orange County Register, P.O. Box 11626, Santa Ana, CA 92711 E-mail:

Hear Wax ...Tomorrow night, Bob Goodman will be broadcasting live from the 8th Annual Doheny Blues Festival in Dana Point. “To mark the occasion, I’ve selected a Blues Icon, 'The Guitarist's Guitarist,’ the favorite guitarist of Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn. We’re gonna spend sixty minutes with Chicago blues legend Buddy Guy,” boasted Goodman. You can listen live at: //!FM885KSBR.ram
Whole 'Nuther Thing Message Forum at: